Wednesday, April 6, 2011

ZIJA Health Risk Alert - Adverse Reaction

ZIJA product users Beware of Health Risks from inexperienced MLM Distributors.

April 4, 2011 - I was recently introduced (3/31/11) to the purportedly newest health improvement discovery "ZIJA" by a local distributor team (Greater Washington DC area) who approached me at my health club. After listening to their "sales pitch" of better health and a potential business opportunity, I rejected the business oppty but decided to try a free sample of a cocktail of what they call  "smart mix and elixir." This ended up being a nearly fatal decision on my part, to trust untrained people with your health. Here's what happened next:

Minutes after taking this concoction and cocktail, that by the way was suggested and prepared for me by the MLM distributor, I starting feeling a slight spinning buzz. A few hours later, I am having vertigo type symptoms - extreme dizziness, nauseous, unable to stand, and severe headache. For about 30 minutes, I felt as if I was near death. Upon describing my symptoms, my doctor instructed me to come to his office immediately. After a careful medical examination and his review of the ZIJA promotional material, my doctor's assessment in part was that I was given an "overdose of stimulants" by the ZIJA distributor. Some of their products contain known and unknown stimulants that the general public must be made aware of. I was off my feet for three days, recovering from the actions of poorly trained distributors.

To make matters worse, when I contacted the senior member of this father and son distributor team to advise him of my adverse reaction, he offers the following response: "it (ZIJA) found a defect in my system and my body reacted to it." The distributor was more interested in his reputation and harm to his business than my health, so I ended those communications. I contacted the corporate office that informed me a "compliance committee" meets every Wednesday and I should get a call. There has been NO contact from them about my concerns.

I have filed complaints about ZIJA with the following agencies:
  • FDA & Med Watch Division
  • Maryland Attorney Generals Office  case#198877
  • Better Business Bureau case# 22112151
I have requested an inquiry into this company:  to provide the public with more information (labeling) about product adverse reactions to ZIJA, more training of distributors, and better handling of medical complaints from the public. Buyer beware......your health is at risk !!!!


  1. I Tried It for 2 Days.. I Had The most Horrid Headaches ..Stomach Aches.. And from seven Am till 12.noon felt energy.. There after I felt awful.. My body ached and I had A Difficult time Trying to stay Awake...slept 12hours and had Dark circles under My Eyes! BUYER BE AWARE!
    I do not think it is Good for You! Do NOT LIKE HOW I FEEL!...I bloated the first Day and the Second Day I hardly fit in My Clothes.. No Gas Expelled.. yet..3 Days later I feel Bloated Sick and Exhausted.. Never Felt Like this before!!!!

    1. your body was detoxing. when you go healthy, like juicing, your body will feel bad for a few days. i have the same experience when i stop eating sugar.

    2. No!! You are wrong. I have juiced as well as dedoxed and your body Does Not feel like that. Buyer beware I have also had issues with this product & I got it for FREE from family who sales it. It is a scam and the destributors have no clue what they are selling. They are busy making money on this pyramid scam as they risk the health of others

    3. Yes, when people go through detox one can have flu like symptoms, headaches, nausea...I have even witnessed people going into rages when detoxing from major illnesses or have been expose to lots of chemicals. I know because I have been on a detox using juice.

    4. this is the biggest bunch of bull--it i have ever read.....the smart mix has no stimulants....this supplement is many people have been helped with were detoxing honey...educate yourself before you buy anymore supplements or you could just start taking the it works greens drink which is loaded with Soy lecithin and soy protein isolate...Google the dangers of were probably near death because that's probably the first time your body has had perfect was shocked to actually have something good in it....get educated..that whole article is a joke! this supplement is changing lives....period!

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. I have been taking this product for 2 years. It came into my life by chance the same week I was diagnosed with stage 3 Chronic Kidney disease. 6 months on Zija and I was reduced to Stage 2. I love this product but know some people will have adverse reactions. I am one who can not have morphine. I had a cesarean section and put on a morphine pump. I thought I was going to die every time someone hit that button. The nurse told me I was crazy, "no one has adverse reactions to morphine!!" Well, I am allergic to poppy seeds, amoxicillin and penicillin. I had an anaphylactic reaction to poppy seed muffins. My brother almost flat lined after being given morphine. I can not eat wheat because of celiac disease. I'm not bashing anyone over it. Everyone is different. There is no need to bash a product because you are allergic or have an intolerance to it.

    7. I don't know if anyone has actually read the box but it states WARNING: This product contains lead, a chemical known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harn. It doesn't even say it "may" contain lead but rather confirms it does. Lead is horrible and should not be found in any nutritional foods or supplements

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. reading your comment I check and read the boxes of their 3 differents moringa of Zija, Smartmix, Supermix et xm+... their isn't LEAD in their product !!!

    10. I can't find where it says there is lead in the smart mix

  2. I took this product and I have been sick for 3 days .. never again will I ever try this again! I tired getting a hold of them and i can't find a number...

    1. Mickey sorry for your experience with the ZIJA products. That's exactly why I created this blog. They were totally unresponsive to my compliants. I would file a complaint anyway, as overtime these problems will catch up with Zija. Hope you are better soon. The best, Donn

    2. I have s lot of family who sale Zija and I know after my FREE use of it, it is dangerous. I told my family member about it and I was basically told in a "nice way" I was a lier & my reactions were not possible. It seemed he wss only concerned with his reputation, his business and the money he could make. This is a SCAM at the expense of your health.

    3. I began using Zija in hopes of helping my severe rheumatoid arthritis about 2 months ago. I have not noticed any improvement in the arthritis, but I have had a terrible raised, whelped rash all over the trunk of my body that continued to get worse the longer I used Zija. Nothing else in my diet, household clearner, soap, etc use had changed. I stopped using Ziga for 3 days, and the rash is getting better. I contacted my sponsor, and was told "there are too many people whose lives have been turned around for it to have an ill effect on anyone"! There is obviously something in this stuff that I am allergic to.

    4. I am sorry that some of these people have had allergic reactions to moringa. Anyone can be allergic to anything.
      , my sister in law is allergic to the sun for Pete's sake. But grab a brain. Just because it didn't work for you does not mean "it's a scam!" or "this stuff is dangerous!" Medical journals all over the world have published its POSITIVE effects. Personally it relieved me of pain so severe I didn't want to live anymore and doctors were at a loss as to how to help me. it might not work for everyone, but honestly,chill out and don't have a mental breakdown people!!! Grow up, put your big boy/girl pants on. get on with your life. You all sound like incredibly negative people. and no supplement can cure THAT!

    5. With all due respect, it is QUITE dangerous for representatives and employees of Zija to not only deny that a person is capable of being allergic to the product, accuse the customer of falsifying evidence that they are allergic and then encourage the customer to DOUBLE intake of the products. We all have our big girl panties on.

    6. Dorothy Dick it is quite irresponsible for you to suggest/infer that people should not report their issues with Zija products and the Zija organization mishandling of complaints. This blog was created for that purpose and quite candidly no one will stop doing so because you appear to be offended. You are free to voice your support for Zija and accordingly others are free to communicate their concerns and negative experiences with Zija products. Many of us have seen medical doctors, had tests conducted, and experienced real problems that need to be shared. It is offensive and irresponsible for you to make mindless comments with no facts about our medical issues associated with Zija. Do yourself a favor and create a "wonderful life with Zija blog" because your role as an antagonist towards well intentioned people on this blog is cowardly and sophomoric. We don't need yet another grown up bully in this world. Your thoughtful comments that in are opposition to others are welcome, but your bully tactics are not. Donn D (blog creator)

    7. I agree with Dorothy. You all are making stuff up, Maybe you represent advocare or some other candy tasting product. I have over 700 people on it and no stories like what you all post. Its food !!!!!!!!!!!! The most nutrient plant on earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    8. Am currently having an extreme allergic reaction to the pre workout drink. Considering driving to the hospital. Broke out in hives all over 10 minutes after drinking it.

    9. Marlene, maybe you are allergic, but that doesn't make a product dangerous. Think of the thousands of things that are sold without FDA approval, then think of all the things that ARE FDA approved but have worse side effects than the ailment they are supposedly helping. Take some personal responsibility people. If something doesn't work for you that's fine, but considering all the good these supplements have done for people you can't say that the company or it's products are harmful. What other meds are you on? that may have something to do with your reaction OOOORRRR there is this thing call psychosomatic response, just sayin.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. Joey, and anyone else here reading these comments and defending Zija... everyone is better off actually EATING FOOD. Not some formulated concoction! Seriously... I fucking hate MLM companies and their half assed products. EAT FOOD PEOPLE. Eat. Food.

    12. Joey, and anyone else here reading these comments and defending Zija... everyone is better off actually EATING FOOD. Not some formulated concoction! Seriously... I fucking hate MLM companies and their half assed products. EAT FOOD PEOPLE. Eat. Food.

    13. Maybe it's good maybe its not, but reactions are serious and shouldn't be belittled. If there is a problem there will be government intervention.
      Listen to your body. Hives are very serious. In my company we don't have these issues, just follow your gut and common sense.

    14. I'm so glad I found this blog. Thank you. 18 months ago a dear friend suggested that I start using Zija products. As I trusted her opinion so highly; I purchased their largest package and began taking all the products exactly as I was instructed. My boyfriend did the same. Within days I began having issues. I've always been a very energetic person with very little health concerns but I felt drained and lathargic. Along with headaches, nausea, stomach pain and diarrhea. Since I trusted the product and saw my bf not having the same issues I concluded that I'd gotten the flu. A sudden trip out of town left my bf and I without our zija products and I began feeling better. When I returned home and began the zija regime again the symptoms re-appeared. I called my friend and said "I think I'm having an allergic reaction to the zija products". She assured me that it was an impossiblity. A few more days of trails and I knew 100% that something was not okay with me and The products. I called my friend again and she quickly contacted a higher up representative in her organization. The other Zija rep suggested I was detoxing and needed to cut down what I was taking one product at a time until I stoped feeling sick then introduce each product back slowly into my diet. I followed her instructions exactly because I really did not want to feel sick anymore. I slowly came off each product and reintroduced them. Unfortunately every single product made my symptoms return. The Zija reprentative kept incouraging me to keep taking everything as it would eventually work. She told me stories of how people got just as sick as me but they kept taking the moringa and after a year Or more they finally felt better, lost all their extra weight, felt great and were perfectly healthy. I believed her stories and eventually gave up trying to take the products after six months. My friend still insists to this day the I just didn't take them long enough for them to work for me. My boyfriend took the products for six months; without any adverse symptoms at all. He seemed a bit cheerier when he took the products but I would likely attribute that to the caffeine. Today I had to go see a gastroenterologist as I've been having stomach issues since the week I started the Zija products. That didn't occur to me until today when the doctor asked me if I had taken any new medications just before the onset of my stomach symptoms. At this point I don't know if taking the Zija products caused my symptoms to originate due to an allergic reaction or by causing damage to my body or perhaps they are completely unrelated. My bf is still fine with no issues at all. I however; think there may be a link between Zija products and my current health issues but I suppose I will have to wait until I get a clear diagnosis to figure it out. I think from all this I've learned that our bodies are designed to heal themselves; if I'm doing something that's making my body feel bad then I'm doing something wrong. Why would my body be designed to make me feel sick if im doing something good for it; that just doesn't make sense.

  3. I do agree with your concern about distributors not knowing their products and asking their clients the right questions. Your concerns need to be heard of course. I am a distributor for Zija and have had tremendous results with the products for my customers but you need to know your product and its effects on people. Everyone is different. The Zija products are mostly formulated with Moringa Oleifera. I do feel as with most plant based products not everyone reacts in the same way, allergies are sometimes a concern. I am so sorry for your result. You were handed a bad distributor. I hope you get a resolution soon.

    1. I have a lot of family who sale Zija and I know after my FREE use of it, it is dangerous. I told my family member about it and the health issues it caused for me. I was basically told in a "nice way" I was a lier & my reactions were not possible. I was told Zija is 100% non-allergetic. Which is not possible because there can be reactions to everything. Also...I have no food allergies so this product is not as safe as broccoli as I was told by a family member who sales Zija. It seemed he was only concerned with his reputation, his business and the money he could make. This is a SCAM at the expense of others health

  4. Your so full of bologna.
    Nutrition does not make you sick!
    This is the most ridiculous thing that I have ever heard.
    It's a whole food you idiot, just like spinach or kale
    Get a grip.
    My husband's body was able to cure itself from MDS after taking 4 a day for 32 days. He is no longer a diabetic and is of 8 more of his meds.
    Get a life and go complain about something else because you sound stupid!

    1. WOW Deena Slone...its this type of intelligent and hate filled comments that back what the orig blogger is stating. Who would believe anyone who replies the way you have with so much hate.

      I have a lot of family who sale Zija and I know after my FREE use of it, it is dangerous. I told my family member about it and the health issues it caused for me. I was basically told in a "nice way" I was a lier & my reactions were not possible. I was told Zija is 100% non-allergetic. Which is not possible because there can be reactions to everything. Also...I have no food allergies AT ALL & I had horrable simular reactions with using Zijs as the orig blogger. So this product is not as safe as spinich or broccoli as I was told by a family member who sales Zija & as you post here. There is somthing else going on. It defiantly is NOT a whole food. That is an uneducated statement you just made & that you are simply repeating as a child would without true knowledge. This is a SCAM at the expense of others health

    2. Christine thank you for making the public aware of the health concerns with Zija products. A distributor was going around my local gym touting the health aspects of Zija products, which is how I got introduced to it. My friend at the gym used it and had headaces & dizziness just as I did. Stay away from this stuff !!!

    3. Deena sloan the reason this probably helped your husband is because a couple of the herbs in with the moringa in 2 to 3 of their supplement mixes lower blood sugar or stimulate the pancreas to make more insulin. This may be what your husband needs but could make a healthy person sick.

    4. Those are some funny made up stories. I have over 700 people on it with no stories like that. Its nutrition (food). If you candle handle nutrition then you have other issues. Dont blame the best product on earth for your problems. I will never go a day without it

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Yes, Joey. Because you're able to see into everyone's lives to see who is making up stories and who is not. Maybe you're getting this ability from the Zija. Get real, this product is not the best product in the world. It just happens to work for you and your 700 clients. Let me get you a ribbon! It's not going to work for everyone, and if you can't take some real criticism then you need a reality check. Get over yourself.

    7. Joey Roberts has a serious investment to protect. My dad and his wife bought this for me and are considering distributing, but I've been reading alot online about Zija, and I think one thing ppl are missing is; if you have zero education in nutrition and don't want to learn, then products like this are good (if it's actually organic and full of the nutrients they claim - I see nothing on the site or product saying it's actually organic, which is a red flag) But if you do your own research, you can buy your own organic moringa and other herbs/ supplements and do this ALOT cheaper. I have my own organic superfood powdered shakes that I know have been helping me, but I also did my own research. I'm thinking I need to cease with the Supermix and just see if this other stuff I actually know is organic, will cure the issues I'm having. In the meantime, the CEO is Mormon - that's really enough for me to quit. I don't trust money-obsessed Mormons, they've been known to lie before about products for their own gain, so no thanks

    8. Joey Roberts has a serious investment to protect. My dad and his wife bought this for me and are considering distributing, but I've been reading alot online about Zija, and I think one thing ppl are missing is; if you have zero education in nutrition and don't want to learn, then products like this are good (if it's actually organic and full of the nutrients they claim - I see nothing on the site or product saying it's actually organic, which is a red flag) But if you do your own research, you can buy your own organic moringa and other herbs/ supplements and do this ALOT cheaper. I have my own organic superfood powdered shakes that I know have been helping me, but I also did my own research. I'm thinking I need to cease with the Supermix and just see if this other stuff I actually know is organic, will cure the issues I'm having. In the meantime, the CEO is Mormon - that's really enough for me to quit. I don't trust money-obsessed Mormons, they've been known to lie before about products for their own gain, so no thanks

  5. First of all Smart Mix has no stimulants. And even the energy drink has less stimulants than one cup of coffee or a soft drink. People seem to have no problem drinking those potent, chemical filled, cancer causing, sugar filled concoctions all day long.

    Headaches, sleepiness ARE detoxing - it doesn't last. Zija is made from Moringa - its high in chlorophyll which is a natural strong detoxifer. Someone mentioned they had detoxed before and didn't feel this way. If so that was not a detox program that was effective. Anyone who actually detoxes can feel these symptoms - not everyone does.

    Secondly if one feels sick to their stomach when taking these or even vomits its a possible sign that you carry the bacteria h. pylori. Google h. pylori and moringa together. There is research out there that shows moringa attacks that bacteria so violently that it can make you sick - pharma is working on making into an antibiotic for this bacteria. It is the bacteria responsible for stomach ulcers and stomach cancer. It is symptomless until you have one of those two issues then you know you have it - but by then its caused a problem. Its easily treatable so consider a blessing if this happens to you b/c you know and won't be more sick down the road.

    This botanical has been endorsed by Johns Hopkins school of medicine and the national institute of health has linked it to helping over 300 diseases.

    Those of you posting comments on here know no more about it than the people you are complaining about. This product has changed many lives and there are hundreds of doctors endorsing it.

    1. Smart mix contains fi ti root, which according to webmd has been linked to liver damage. It also contains chicory, which is a diuretic, so of course people are losing weight but not in a healthy way.

    2. How does anyone know what exactly is in this stuff? Were any of you there when this company was making and packaging this stuff? I know one thing; if a product requires a pyramid scheme to sell it, its a scam.(Limu, Mona Vie, etc)

    3. April 13,2016
      Margo Randles

      I have used the product for over a year, I noticed after about 3 weeks, my anxiety level went down, I slowly went off my antidepressants, I noticed that I had more energy to get throught the day. My arthritis pain is almost completely gone. After about 3 months I slowly lost about 20 lbs. The product is amazing, in my case the results were very gradual, but I will never stop drinking life in.

  6. I also was very sleepy for the first 4 days I took this product - again detoxing. It went away and energy is better than ever.

    Also people who get allergy shots can seem to have a reaction when they drink this. It boost their immune system very quickly and when your body is already in an over induced immune state due to allergy shots in can seem that it causes a reaction. The fact is - its an allergy shot.

    This product is a whole food. Anyone in the world whose heart is beating can take Smart Mix. My children take it. Our family of 4 has no more allergies and are more healthy than ever.

    People who have side effects is not from the product - it is from an underlying condition.

  7. You are not a liar for having a reaction Christine. I absolutely would not say that but I would look into what the reaction was. Many of the reactions I have seen again are the cause of an underlying issue brought forth by the strong absorption of nutrition.

    1. They really brainwashed you! I have liked up every herbal ingredient listed in these products. They are mostly stimulants, laxatives, and diuretics. How is that healthy?

    2. Extremely healthy, I have been on it for two years. No allergies, no back pain, no medications. I dont care whats in it. IT WORKS !!!!

  8. Does anyone know where Zija is made once taken from the tree? I'm experiencing horrible headaches and I'm on day 3. I'm wondering if my sudden large increase in fluid intake is causing the headaches an not the Zija itself. I'm going to give it a few more days. I have caffeine and alcohol allergies and hoping that I'm not allergic to the moringa tree. So many other people seem to swear by Zija so I will give it a few more days before I pull the plug.

    1. I hope this isn't too late for you, but some Zija products do have high doses of caffeine. So if you know you have caffeine allergies I would stay away from those specific products especially.
      The problem is every time I have tried to get more information on the actual ingredients I have been given the "Proprietary mix" as the reason for not giving actual ingredients. Which is not at all useful for people with allergies of any kind.

    2. This is good information to know, as it was touted to me is completely healthy and natural, and great for people with autoimmune disease. Caffeine is contraindicated for many types of autoimmune disease as it causes inflammation. I do not know of a specific caffeine allergy on my end, but there is SOMETHING in Zija that I am highly allergic to. I began using Zija in hopes of helping my severe rheumatoid arthritis about 2 months ago. I have not noticed any improvement in the arthritis, but I have had a terrible raised, whelped rash all over the trunk of my body that continued to get worse the longer I used Zija. Nothing else in my diet, household clearner, soap, etc use had changed. I stopped using Ziga for 3 days, and the rash is getting better. I contacted my sponsor, and was told "there are too many people whose lives have been turned around for it to have an ill effect on anyone"! I couldn't believe this response. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to recognize an allergic reaction. Giving people with that little concern and education the feeling that they have medical knowledge and power is dangerous!

    3. Save some money and just simply go to Vitamin Shoppe and buy a tub of Moringa Leaf Powder for $15.00. It will last you about 6 months. The pure Moringa Leaf Powder has a ton of health benefits. The problem is Zija decided to throw several other ingredients in with the Moringa and make people feel like you are getting something great. If you want to get an energy boost with the Moringa from Vitamin Shoppe just buy a bottle of caffeine pills for 5 to 10 dollars and take one with each serving. The caffeine in the Zija product is what gives you the boost. Zija is a complete waste of money. A text book multi level marketing/pyramid scheme.

    4. Until someone can explain to be the benefit of buying Zija over a tub of Organic India Moringa Leaf Powder for 90% less I refuse to use it and everyone else should to. The only reason it costs as mush as it does is because your money has to funnel its way all the way to the people at the top. Such a rip off.

    5. That TUB as you call it contains no nutrient value whatsoever. It is processed over 104 degrees so it has no value at all. Do your research on Zija. It is shade dried and still enzymatically alive when consumed. Thats why it works and cost more. It takes more time and money to do it right. Go sell your other stuff or whatever you do. It is a great company with tons of credibility unlike you :)

    6. Moringa is a plant that some nutrients in it are enhanced by heat (similar to a cooked tomato has more lycopene than a non cooked tomato). To get the real benefit of moringa you should eat it in a variety of forms as the bark, seeds, leaves and root all have benefits. Pregnant women should be aware it is not recommended to use during pregnancy as the properties in the plant cause contractions of uterus (in some countries it is used specifically for self abortion) The properties in the moringa cause contractions of the digestive system similar to castor. Moringa is a life saving crop in many third world countries and can be sourced here in the US for a reasonable cost. Know your source because arsenic has been found in some third world sources due to their toxic water situation. Education is key as usual and moderation too, too much moringa can be toxic as well. Read up on it. There are many reputable sources who aren't making money off of you that will give you an unbiased appraisal of moringa's benefits and downsides. Best wishes for a healthy life.

    7. Actually, the smart mix and super mix are perfectly safe for pregnant women, as the ingredients do not contain the "root" which IS contradictory. These mixes contain 30 grams of Moringa (fruit, leaf, seed), natural cane sugar, natural flavor, citric acid (natural preservative), agar, acacia and ester gums, and fruit pectin (assists suspension). Perfectly safe. And no stimulants are in the smart and super mixes(xm+ does contain a stimulant). Reactions can come only from detoxing and the body not handling the chlorophyll well, just like people who cannot handle spinach very well.. It is possible to continue the product by cutting the dosage to 1/4 in the morning and 1/4 in the evening. And repeat the next day with the remaining. It is recommended to use what you makes within 48 hrs. Chlorophyll is very important in the detox process, however cutting the doses can help you body adjust more gently. On the 5th day you could drink 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 in the evening. And continue for a couple days on half doses. If you are trying to help or heal a specific issue, you will want to get up to one full dose each morning on an empty stomach about 15 prior to eating so you can get the full absorption benefit.

    8. In my opinion what i see on this whole blog is most of what perpetuates the stigma of MLM and the effectiveness (or not) of its products. I personally have my doubts about this product being the end all cure all miracle drink however i also doubt that it is snake oil either. For those that are defending Zija i feel like a big part of the issue with credibility is that your camp is divided as to whether any of these symptoms are even real or not. You have people who either say (rudely most of the time) 1. that its food and there is no way you could be having any reaction, 2. "Just because you had a bad reaction doesnt make it a scam". 3. you were detoxing because you finally had perfect nutrition. See there is the problem. It is truly naive and irresponsible to assume that there is no way that this product could be harmful to some percentage of the 7 billion people on the planet. It is completely plausable, and moreover probable, that there is a segment of the population that would be allergic to one or more of the ingredients. But when people do have a reaction and the response from the company (and its MLM representatives) is like the reaction her, that in and of itself helps perpetuate the idea that it is a scam. Instead of slamming people for having a different view than yours, if you feel so strongly about its benefits then i encourage you to back up your statements with facts. If you have done all your research and are convinced of this product it should only take a second to grab a quick URL that shows your proof and post it in your replies. Empirical data is the best, most affective way to change minds. I am not sure what you thought you were going to accomplish by bashing the person who created this blog and the subsequent people who came forward with similar experiences, but i can assure you it didnt go the way you wanted. There was only 1 person so far that i have read on this blog that offered an opinion in support of Zija and in a polite and informative fashion advise a possible reason why they felt bad and proposed a way that might help with that. and that was "all4taylor".

      Offer evidence of your claims instead of bashing them and the outcome may very well be different. And having half the people say that yes it might not be right for some people, while at the same time the other half are saying there is no way this can happen, compounded with the initial reaction of the company to this mans complaint is truly why so many people cant get behind this.

      Take nuts for example, they have good protein and healthy fats and while its not a super food it does have health benefits. Yet there are others in the world that will die in seconds if they smell one. To say that this is a perfect food and can in no way cause ANYONE negative reactions makes it sound more like snake oil than good medicine.

  9. I have had neck pain that remained ever after disk replacement surgery. Have taken Zija for about 3 months. Must say that it helps as an anti-inflammatory. Didn't like the taste at first, but then said what the heck, this stuff works.
    Also, as I read some of the blogs about headaches caused by zija... I'm thinking, "good grief, when I was in college and living on junk, lots of coffee, sugar,fast and processed foods,if I would come off of it I would have terrible migraines". And also compare that to the medical profession philosphy of some doctors: prescribe drug after drug. How many people do you know that depend on drugs? Can you say that is good for you? Just some things to think about.

    1. Hate to birst your bubble....
      it's Main "INGREDIENT" is, Ephedrine/Ephedra (which is the main ingredient in METH & Better known as the "VIRGIN" FORM OF "SPEED".
      It is closely monitored by a NATIONAL REGISTERY.
      When you go to a PHARMACY SECTION Of ANY Store you will find Cards for certain Medication. .. those products Contain "EPHEDRINE / EPHEDRA". When you hand the card to the Pharmacist.... they will in turn ask you for your I.D. & Add you to the National Registry to monitor your Purchases. (Why, Because Like I Said... it is the KEY INGREDIENT in MAKING METH).

    2. Ephedra nevadensis is NOT Ephedrine---look it up before you start bursting bubbles....

    3. Exactly Jenny. Hate to burst any bubbles either, but its approved by all drug sanctioning bodies including the Olympic committee. Sounds like you know a lot about meth

    4. when you're LOOKING for something negative...guess what; you'll find something!

  10. I take meds for seizures..will this cause any problems??

    1. supermix and smartmix are without any is a superfood not a has been advised that if you are allowed to eat and drink water on your meds, then you should be able to take it. pregnant women have replaced their prenatal vitamins with daily smartmix.

    2. Last time I checked and according to my Doctor who examined the ingredients of Zija smartmix/supermix they contain Caffeine. Caffeine is surely a stimulant. This is why we should need to involve medical professionals to assess these "miracle products" before taking them.

    3. Stay on yer meds Donn D, I will stay on the all natural nutrition. Keep making your doctors mortgage for him. Miracles happening everyday with Zija

  11. well I am on day 4 of taking the zija supermix. I had high hopes that this product would help me but I have been experiencing some alarming side effects. I have heard these may be detox symptoms or I could have an illness that the moringa is making me more aware of. I am having lots of physical anxiety, overstimulation, chest pain, lockjaw, and feel flu like symptoms. ??? I had one zija cust. serv. rep tell me I should stop it but 2 distributors tell me to keep taking it and I would feel better soon. I'm lost is confusion but I did stop taking it today and will not be taking again for at least a few days. Russ Biancha (co-owner of zija, i believe) is supposed to be calling me soon to talk over my symptoms.

  12. Chloryphyll is NOT for everyone, some people are very sensitive to it. Especially porphs. Maybe one should be very careful testing these sorts of things. I've had problems with several natural miracle type foods, like maca and goji berries. I've learned the hard way to test very carefully. Many people can probably take this without problems, but not everyone.

  13. ok! just wanted everyone to know that I spoke with Russ Bianchi and he told me that I have h. pylori! Its one of the only reasons a person would have side effects (other than DETOX effects). I am taking Cayenne pepper to kill the bacteria and then I can retry the ZIJA. If anyone experiences harsh side effects, PLEASE stop taking it and contact RUSS BIANCHI ( This should be something that all Zija distributors should know! I am still happy with my other Zija products and getting benifits from them such as help with acne and eczema! I have so many friends helped by these products that I'm still going to distribute it.

    1. You are ignorant. research every ingredient in the products you are (were) taking. I simply looked them up on webmd. most are stimulants, laxatives, and diuretics. they are all natural but just as strong.

    2. Please refrain from using any insulting references in this blog. There are people who are experiencing legitimate side effects from Zija products. This blog is their forum to voice those opinions. You are free support Zija on this blog if you choose but insulting people is unacceptable. Thank you. Donn D (Author of Blog)

    3. Just an fyi.....h. pylori is not something that can be determined without a fecal sample or a blood test. Furthermore, if you do have will require an antibiotic! I recommend seeing your pcp to be tested.

    4. HB... Russ Bianchi use to formulate some of the very medications that people take everyday. He knows what he is talking about...that is why he recommended cayenne to kill the bacteria. Many things can be treated naturally without antibiotics and other medications. That is the way God made this world. Fully sufficient to sustain life in every aspect.

    5. Russ attributed my reaction to h. Pylori as well. Something only medically diagnosable with lab tests. Guess what, I have the FUT2 gene which prevents h. Pylori growth in my body. He is making stuff up. I was so convinced that it was actually the moringa causing problems that I bought an organic moringa fruit and ate it. Guess what, light headed, hallucinating, super tired, couldn’t speak clearly or concentrate...or even walk straight. These are NOT detox effects or rooting out toxins or any of the other garbage they tried to tell me. Telling people over the phone that they have h pylori when they are telling you they are allergic to the product is extremely dangerous and I hope he will be held accountable.

  14. MLM money before health con. Poorly and cheaply made product. Sold for ridiculous margins. Anyone trying to sell it to you are only working on their sales figures. Don't believe the marketing hype.

    If Zija was truly a wonder product, it would be on the shelf in stores. It is not.


    1. and you base this on what? It is manufactured in a pharmaceutical grade manufacturing plant and held to the highest standards. I saw for myself. It's not sold in stores because it as a direct sale company. Just like you don't buy Avon in stores. If you don't know what you are talking about then don't act like you an authority on it. Geesh.

    2. Thinkb4type You NEED To Do Your Research A Tad Bit Better!

      It gives you the "TINGLEY" Feeling & Makes your Heart Race. Which makes your METABOLISM SPEED UP!

      The Sale of the INGREDIENT Was BANNED In the Early 2000's.

      the only way you can PURCHASE it LEGALLY is by Purchasing Cold/Nasal products that you have to Grab a Card and take it to the PHARMACIST & They REGISTER YOU & THE PRODUCT(S) You Purchase & it goes into a NATIONAL DATA BANK!

    3. Ephedrine, Ephedra, ma huang Killed Many People in the Diet Pill form from the early 90's to the early 2000's.

      It was banned in Diet Prodicts because of the amount of Deaths it caused!

      It is also the Main ingredient in METH & Is Known As The "VIRGIN" FORM OF "SPEED".

      Don't Believe Me?
      Look it up!

    4. Thinkb4type - I Quote, "In recent years, the safety of ephedra-containingdietary supplements has been questioned by the medical community as a result of reports of serious side effects and ephedra-related deaths.[4][5][6][7] In response to accumulating evidence of adverse effects and deaths related to ephedra, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned the sale of ephedra-containing supplements on April 12, 2004.[8] A lawsuit challenging the FDA ban was upheld by a Federal District Court judge in Utah on April 14, 2005.[9] The FDA appealed this ruling, and on August 17, 2006 the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit upheld the FDA's ban of ephedra.[10]The sale of ephedra-containing dietary supplements is currently illegal in the United States because of the high risk of ephedra-related adverse events."

      So Now do you comprehend the DANGERS?!?

    5. It is NOT is Ephedra Nevadensis a desert tea or Morman tea, ephedra is banned in the US! I did my research! And it is only in the XM+ drink which is as below:

      38 Calories
      Zija Proprietary Mix (Organic) *
      *Moringa Oleifera Leaf Powder
      Moringa Oleifera Leaf Puree
      Moringa Oleifera Leaf Cake
      *Moringa Oleifera Fruit Powder
      *Moringa Oleifera Fruit Juice
      Plus Mango
      Plus Tropical Flavour
      Natural Green Tea Concentrate
      Natural Desert Tea (Ephedra Nevadensis)
      Natural Caffeine
      Allium Sativum
      Natural Flavours
      Citric Acid
      Fruit Pectin

      There is no secret or hidden ingredients in the proprietary blend. If you feel like you are having an allergic reaction to Moringa then by all means stop it! But as in your hypertensive medications, thyroid, or statin drugs it takes 3 months to get your labs done to see if the medication is working. Rule of thumb is 1 month for you to notice, 2 months for your friends, and 3 for the rest (including but not limited to labs)

      But then ignorance is Bliss! Mary- Catherine do happen to be an Advocare user?

    6. Citrus aurantium is an ephedrine substitute. Its active ingredient is synephedrine and the molecular structure is very much similar to ephedrine. That is the reason for the similar reactions in our bodies. Here is a quote from webmd about citrus aurantium, "There is no evidence to suggest that bitter orange (citrus aurantium) is any safer than ephedra."

      Also citrus aurantitum, or rather its active ingredient synephedrine, is considered a banned substance by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).

  15. ZIJA PRODUCTS CONTINUE TO HAVE ADVERSE HEALTH AFFECTS ON THE PUBLIC...As the orginator of this blog nearly 2 1/2 years ago about the adverse affects that ZIJA products had on "MY BODY," I find it curious that a few individuals continue ignore what my medical doctor instructed me about this issue. Namely that the "smart mix & elixir" cocktail that distributors are giving their customers contains high concentrations of "caffeine" that can be harmful to the general public. My symptoms were NOT DETOX related, rather too high concentration of caffeine in the ZIJA products. My health returned to normal after DETOXING FROM ZIJA products. To say anything differently is to ignore the facts. Thanks to all of my supporters of the truth about the adverse affects of ZIJA.

    1. Ephedrine/Ephedra does it to you... Not the Caffeine.
      As I wrote in my message further down the thread....
      the Ephedrine/Ephedra ingredient is what makes you feel Tingley & makes your Heart Race.
      it is one of the main Ingredients in making METH.
      It IS considered the VIRGIN Form of SPEED.
      It HAS Been BANNED.

      People back in the 90's to early 2000's were Dying thinking the ingredient was a "Wonder Drug".

      GNC & Other Health Food Stores Pulled everything with the Ingredient.
      Even Grocery Stores.

    2. Oh & I almost forgot, Ma Huang
      is the Natural version of Ephedrine/Ephedra.

      They also monitor the otc drugs that contain the ingredient.
      You have to take a Card from the Isle in the drug section to a Pharmacist. They then register You & the product to a national database. To insure no abuse is being done with the drug.

      We All NEED To Ban Together to get the WORD Out.

    3. Don't the Chinese words "Ma Huang", in one tone, translate to "Yellow HORSE"? Chinese SPEED!?

      Some folks acting as distributors near me are undocumented immigrants who are tired of their dismal economic prospects w/o "papers" and see Zija & Herbalife as a way OUT of low paid drudgery. MLM's love these groups because they can prey on their dreams, exploit their tight community circles full of trusting, ill informed or language impaired folks who share those same dreams. Sort of like Mormonism, Islam & Jehovahs or a Donald Trump 'feel good' rally!

  16. I am a vegetarian with celiac disease. I looked to zija as a health benefit. Instead I began to get sick and adverse symptoms. The interesting misconception many of us have is that familiar words on labels make us feel comfortable. Chromium, silica, cellulose, citrus, and the dreaded "natural flavors."

    I took time to look up several familiar and non familiar ingredients and look for their side affects. Beetle dung and beavers anal secretions are all natural, that doesn't mean we should eat them.

    chromium- used to improve athletic performance and to increase energy.

    silica- Silica dust is a known carcinogen, lung irritant, and a central nervous system toxin

    cellulose- Although cellulose can be found in most plant matter, the most economical sources for industrial cellulose are cotton and wood pulp.

    rhodiola rosea: while studies suggest that rhodiola reduces anxiety, some people might feel "revved" up from it

    citrus aurantium- Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is a chemical found in the brain and other areas of the body. It can also be made in a laboratory. GHB has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treatment of narcolepsy, a sleep disorder caused by the brain’s inability to regulate sleep-wake cycles

    piperine- derived from black pepper, inhibits a number of enzymes responsible for metabolizing drugs and nutritional substances

    agar- contains a gel-like substance that bulks up in the gut. This stimulates the intestines and creates a bowel movement.

    natural flavors- under the Code of Federal Regulations is: “the essential oil, oleoresin, essence or extractive, protein hydrolysate, distillate, or any product of roasting, heating or enzymolysis, which contains the flavoring constituents derived from a spice, fruit or fruit juice, vegetable or vegetable juice, edible yeast, herb, bark, bud, root, leaf or similar plant material, meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy products, or fermentation products thereof, whose significant function in food is flavoring rather than nutritional”

    1. In what supplement did you find the GHB? I saw the citrus aurantium, which is an ephedrine substitute, but did not see the GHB. Is GHB in citrus aurantium?

  17. Also, when contacting Zija about their ingredients, I got this back:

    On Aug 7, 2013, at 22:35, Zija wrote:

    Dear Kat,
    Thank you for emailing support.

    All of our products contain a proprietary blend, and as such, the amounts of ingredients are unavailable.

    If you have any other questions, or anything else we can assist you with, please don't hesitate to contact our Customer Support line at 866-913-9452 (Mon-Thurs 7 am to 11pm, Fridays 7 am to 12 am (midnight) MST, or Saturdays from 12 noon to 4 pm MST)
    All the best,
    (no signature or name given by Zija)

    I called their customer support line and spoke to a very nice gentleman. When I explained my health issues and concerns he attempted to answer the question of "what is in Zija" he began to get frustrated that he couldn't find any information. I could tell that during the course of our conversation, he began to question the company he was working for. It was interesting to witness.

  18. I was tested as allergic to Zija products by a board certified ND after I had a severe reaction to it. I really thought I was going to die when I called Zija customer service and I was advised to push through it and double my dose. I have tried to report the fact that I have documented proof that I'm allergic to the product but no one from Zija will call me back. I do not have h. Pilori or anything else. It's not a detox or cleansing effect. I've been cleansing, fasting, etc since 2006 without any problems. I know what a detox effect is and I know what an allergic reaction is and this is definitely an allergy. I find it very offensive that those who are loyal to or working for Zija have called me a liar, down played my reaction or said somehow I'm to blame (bacteria, lying about my eating habits and severity of symptoms etc.). A simple apology goes a long way. It shows a lot of integrity to just acknowledge the claims and be honest with futur customers that the product is not for everyone.

  19. Holly - I am very sorry to hear about your experience with Zija. Your comments underscore the very reason I decided to author this blog. Zija has trained their distributors and corporate personnel to blame the consumer for any adverse reaction. It is poor management at the highest degree. Further, it appears the Governmental agencies that should serve to protect consumers from this type of matter do little to nothing in response to complaints. It is very scary that Zija is allowed to operate in this reckless manner. The one issue my medical Doctor identified when I experience an adverse reaction to Zija was that it contains high concentrations of CAFFEINE. Let's keep this problem in the public eye because Zija cannot continue to be irresponsible forever. The best always, Donn D (Author of the Zija Health Risks Alert Blog)

    1. WOULD YOU DRINK "MONSTER" to improve your health?

  20. Hi all, I would like to tell you all my story. I was introduced to Zija from a friend, who is a distributer. The info I was sent was for the Moringa Oleifera Tree, not Zija itself. I was very intrigues as it all sounded great. I became a distributer. Got my first order was very excited to get healthy. First couple of days I felt awful. Kept on taking it as they suggested. Every morning for two weeks I felt dizzy and sick to my stomach. Finally I couldn't handle it anymore and emailed Uncle Russ. He told me I had the H-Pylori virus and to go off of it and take Cayenne for a month. Faithfully took my cayenne and felt great. Then I went back to Zija and still felt ill every morning. I emailed Uncle Russ and I got no reply. I talked to my up lines and they couldn't help me at all. All I got from them was well it cured this person and that person and we feel great. After one year of taking Zija I decided to go off of it. As the days passed I started to feel better. Then one evening I decided to have a Zija tea that I had left over. Almost immediately I started feeling yucky, I went to bed and the next morning I felt worse, the horrible feeling flooded right back to me. I am a fairly healthy person who eats right most of the time and i'm only 10-20 lbs over weight. I was tested for H-Pylori which came up negative.
    I will never go back.

    The one good thing that Zija gave me is the search for an all natural way of life.

    The Moringa Oleifera is an amazing tree with a lot of health benefits. A 100% Moringa product ( incorporated with Garden of Life Perfect Food Super Green Formula you can get the same results.

  21. Hello Shelly - The purpose of this blog is to document and share Health Related problems with Zija products that would serve to educate/benefit the general public.I am hoping your post is NOT a plug for The Moringa Oleifera distributorship as this was not the intent of this blog. Having said that, I am sorry for any health related issues you experienced using Zija, It remains a mystery to me how the Zija organization continues to make these medical claims about Zija attacking unhealthy organisms in the body, thus the adverse affects are some how good and that we should endure them. Medical whackery at it's best. Where are the governing agencies established to protect the public from such outrageous claims. Our current check and balance system does not work. Glad to hear you have revealed the truth and stopped taking their products. This company will not last very long and their practices will be revealed as harmful products for the general public at some point. Glad you are on the road to recovery. The best always, Donn D

    1. Whenever your business is sinking ... lunge for that marketing life preserver of last resort! Hispanic families & their community especially Mexicans who's traditional virtues will surely save your rusting ship!

  22. All of you need to STOP taking this product!

    What makes you LOOSE the WEIGHT is EPHEDRINE/EPHEDRA!
    That is the Main Ingredient in making METH!
    It Speeds up your Heart Rate & thus Speeds up your Metabolism... it is NOT "DETOXING" EFFECTS!
    It IS Your Body Getting Addicted like a METH or CRACK HEAD!
    Then you Sleep when you "COME DOWN" from the drug.

    The reason the Ingredient is BANNED...
    is because It Was KILLING PEOPLE!

    Not even any Form of it!


    1. I love zija, and this product is not addicting. The product with the ephedra in it, I don't even take every day. If it would be addicting, you can bet I would! People that try to find something negative, always find something. It doesn't matter what it is!

  23. "In recent years, the safety of ephedra-containing dietary supplements has been questioned by the medical community as a result of reports of serious side effects and ephedra-related deaths.[4][5][6][7] In response to accumulating evidence of adverse effects and deaths related to ephedra, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned the sale of ephedra-containing supplements on April 12, 2004.[8] A lawsuit challenging the FDA ban was upheld by a Federal District Court judge in Utah on April 14, 2005.[9] The FDA appealed this ruling, and on August 17, 2006 the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit upheld the FDA's ban of ephedra.[10]The sale of ephedra-containing dietary supplements is currently illegal in the United States because of the high risk of ephedra-related adverse events."

    1. Do your research a little more diligent. Ephreda Nevadensis is not the bad Ephedra and that is what is in Zija products.

  24. Mary-Catherine Grage - thanks for posting your comments on this blog. It is important to keep this issue in front of the american public as Zija continues to act irresponsibly in the handling of its products. Hopefully over time this company and its' questionable practices will be exposed. Wishing you the best. Donn D (Blog Author)

  25. My wife was at work a year and a half ago and was having a severe headache. Her coworker, a Zija distributor, said that she could fix her up straight away and promptly gave her a Supermix sample. She had not even finished the drink when she turned to her coworker and asked WTH was that? My Head ache is gone. The coworker laughed and said it doesn't work that fast. So my wife was hooked and we started attending all the seminars we could find and I began taking the supplements too without any immediately noticeable positive or negative effects. I mainly took it because she had concerns for my diet and her now being fully on the Zija bandwagon but only as a consumer. The MLM thing is not appealing. So I go on the XM mix and immediately started having an itchy throat and pharyngeal inflammation to the point of wheezing. I surmised slight allergic reaction and went back to Supermix and it's simpler contents. Not really noticing anything adverse. About 6 months after starting the daily super mix intake I started getting severe maxillofacial and supraorbital headaches that respond to NOTHING. I went to the wife's acupuncturist and he gets no response and he initially resigns it to the "fact" that I don't believe in all that "Chi" realignment Mumbo Jumbo. Then it happened...He took out the needles and his jaw dropped open and it literally scared me. He said I've been doing this 30 years and never seen this before as he grabs gauze from his med cabinet and starts dabbing the needle stick sites that were ALL actively bleeding. He rushed out of the room and got a wrist B/P cuff and ran it 5 times with "ERR" showing on the screen. He got a real one and pumped it up to the point that I thought my arm would pinch off. He said I had to go to the ER NOW because he could not even get a Diasystolic reading let alone a systolic. So I went to the ER and they clocked me as high as 278/180 and immediately pushed Dilauded for the pain and some other meds for the pressure which I didn't care about because...I had Dilauded!!! A CT scan showed that my Sinus' were completely sealed and were continuing to pressurize with mucous and that was stimulating my B/P. I had to have Sinus surgery which helped but I did not put down the Zija and 8 months later I had another episode after a progressively worsening headache required another surgical sinus evacuation and heavy doses of steroids and antibiotics to try to get a handle on this once and for all. This time I continued having headaches and my followup had the doctor requesting allergy testing which showed sensitivity to molds..Duh! Anyway, I'm still on the Supermix until 2 weeks ago when I realized the timeline of my 'Illness" tracked perfectly with my Zija use. So I stopped cold turkey and my headaches were gone in 2 days. My constant sniffling and sinus drainage ceased and I actually feel like I have MORE energy because it seems I am not fighting this "Toxin" in my system. I am not saying it is toxic to everybody as my wife and daughter swear by it and have no adverse effects but I am convinced "Dat Shiite almost kilt me!" Weird thing though...My wife is pissed because I didn't tell her my feelings (Which I in fact did just before quitting) and she, like other adherents mentioned on this blog tried to "Blame" for my reaction. Reminds me of a Quote...."A man or woman convinced against their will, will be of the same opinion still!" -Unk

    1. Nubs314 - I am pleased to know you have finally discovered the truth about these Zija products and have fully recovered from your "Zija induced illness." It is from concerned citizens like you that we share and expose these harmful Zija products on the market. The Zija organization has no concern for our health only money. Sorry you had to learn the hard way but glad you had the courage to speak out. Donn D (author of Zija Health Risks Alert BLOG)

  26. Save some money and just simply go to Vitamin Shoppe and buy a tub of Moringa Leaf Powder for $15.00. It will last you about 6 months. The pure Moringa Leaf Powder has a ton of health benefits. The problem is Zija decided to throw several other ingredients in with the Moringa and make people feel like you are getting something great. If you want to get an energy boost with the Moringa from Vitamin Shoppe just buy a bottle of caffeine pills for 5 to 10 dollars and take one with each serving. The caffeine in the Zija product is what gives you the boost. Zija is a complete waste of money. A text book multi level marketing/pyramid scheme.

    Until someone can explain to be the benefit of buying Zija over a tub of Organic India Moringa Leaf Powder for 90% less I refuse to use it and everyone else should to. The only reason it costs as mush as it does is because your money has to funnel its way all the way to the people at the top. Such a rip off.

  27. I too have had an allergic reaction to Zija products. Mine was different from the others mentioned, but still significant. I took the Super Mix for almost 2 weeks, I added other products gradually - AM capsule 8 days, tea 3 times, and the PM capsule 1 time. During this time I was unable to void my bowels. I called my doctor whom I had told about the products at my annual physical and gave his blessing for me to try it. He quickly put me on a Miralax cleanse similar to prepping for a colonoscopy. I had to do this twice. Still have an impacted stool and will need to go through a medical procedure to release it. He called it an allergic reaction to something in the product causing swelling in my colon. I was hoping that this would be a more natural weight loss program, but never dreamed that I would lose time off of work and two days near a bathroom to do it. I will not be trying any of these products again. It may work well for some people as I have witnessed, but it is not for everyone. Each morning as I drank the Super Mix I kept asking myself, do I want to do this for the rest of my life? God gave me the answer very loud and strong.

    1. I became severely constipated and even the tea that they have wasn't giving relief.

  28. I am taking my case to the attorney general if they give me any hassle at all. I had a very adverse reaction to the supermix. Also contacted the lady with the testimonial on the dvd....and her hubby john died and she refused to stay in the company. Russ Bianchi is no longer with the company either from what Melody told me. She advised me to not take the products.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. The dvd they are using to promote this scam is by far untrue. I recieved an email from a lady on the dvd and she stated to me that her husband passed away last year and that "Russ Bianchi", the REAL Russ, (and I don't know who this Uncle Russ is)..but the real Russ is no longer with the company as someone changed the formula against his will. They have not told their distributors this as of yet. Tomorrow I am filing with the BBB and contacting the Attorney General to get my money back. This stuff made me sick as a dog and the distributor that was supposedly a friend has no idea how deceived he is and what he is selling. DO NOT let these folks drag you into the lies of this scam. PLEASE

    1. I too learned this week (in a text conversation with the founder of ZIJA, Ken Brailsford) that Russ Bianchi is not with ZIJA any longer. Brailsford seemed very disparaging of Bianchi...

      Bianchi has claimed phony credentials for years; he and some ZIJA people claimed, falsely, that Bianchi has three doctoral degrees (in various fields, including claimed in medicine, chemistry, pharmacology, etc.). HE ACTUALLY HAS NONE!!
      Anyone that phony must not be believed whenever his lips are moving.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I joined zija a month ago and so far so good. Have made some money, and no adverse reactions to the products. My mom is taking the supermix, daily tea, xmpm pill, and premium tea. She's 70 years old and on high blood pressure medication. She's seeing great results in the weight management side. As for myself, some weight loss, that's about it.
    Like everything else in the world, there will always be 2 sides of the story. I don't think it's fair to call zija as a scam, as it has changed the lives of many people, including mine.
    It's also not right to promise the world to people when getting them to try zija products, because it's effects are different on everyone. I think the problem is not zija, instead it's people's expectations of what it can do for them. When I tell people about Zija, I don't promise them a miracle. I stay with the facts and let them do the research that will enable them to make an informed decision. Misinformation tends to lead to misfortune. For me, the biggest gift zija gave me was the first step to personal development. And that is no scam!!!!
    Best of luck to everyone.

  34. I would like to get a sample to try out before I purchase it, where would I be able to obtain one?

    1. Hi Nancy. Thank you for reading my post . I can help you with some samples, please email me at and we can talk about it.

  35. You all are making me laugh. Most of you are probably reps for another company so you think its best to bash the best company in the world. Haters are gonna hate. Whats crazy is have over 700 people on the product and been involved for over year and haven't heard any of the nonsense I seen on here. Negative people will always be negative. Just glad im not one of them !

  36. Joey it appears no have nothing to do but waste your time commenting on that which you know nothing about. Where is your research on the medical complaints recorded here? You have done none...Are you a medical professional? Surely not...My personal adverse affects were observed by a medical Doctor. There is no hate, there are serious issues that will be discussed no matter how many "Joey Roberts bullies" there are online. There is nothing negative about the truth only those who are afraid of the truth.You are making yourself look really ignorant. Laugh, Ha !! You are the one being laughed at. Get a life and move on. Create a positive "Joey loves Zija blog." Donn D

    1. You know, I am seeing a lot of people complaining. While a lot of us do have allergies to a lot of items, I don't think zija is a scam. I have lost five inches in the waist and three inches in the chest area. I am allergic to onions, peanuts, pecans, penicillin, and more items. Roundup from Monsanto is an issue for me and the more people use it, the more allergies pop up in the population. So, we look elsewhere for our supplements. They may not be for you, but they may be a step in the right direction for another. There are no two bodies alike in this universe. So you had a reaction, stop using it and move on. You don't see people suing the onion, peanut, pecan, and penicillin suppliers. That would be just plain stupid. So you have an allergic reaction, quit taking the supplement and move on. People now days are sue happy over a pin dropping. It is ridiculous. Get over yourself, because you are not special.

  37. This is to Don D,

    You mentioned on a comment that your doctor examined the ingredients on supermix and Smart mix, and discovered caffeine as one of them. I am curious, how exactly did your doctor do to do so? Did he do a laboratory analysis?

  38. Sorry I mis-spelled your name earlier Donn. I just read your comment again, and it suggested that last time you checked, you also discovered caffeine as ingredient. Would you also tell me what you did?

    Thanks again.

    1. Elza thank you for your reasonable and considerate question because it underscores one of the major issues I have with the Zija distributor system (my answer is detailed but I do have a response to your questions) A Zija distributor was promoting his "Zija all natural workout/energy boost elixir" to members of my health club. He indicated that he had been using it with phenomenal results and it was Doctor tested & safe. I advised him I cannot take any products with caffeine as it promotes irregular heart palpitations for me. He assured me there was no caffeine in Zija any products. So I took his concoction at the gym and within minutes had the worse reaction to anything I have ever ingested (see beginning of blog for complete details of my reaction). So I called my Doctor who advised me to bring in the packaging of all the Zija products I was given by this Zija distributor. Come to find out the Zija distributor's "all natural workout/energy boost elixir" consisted of what Zija calls 1) SmartMix and 2) Two packages of the XM+ Energy Mix. So the long answer to your question is my Doctor identified the caffeine on the (2) packages of Zija XM+ and indicated I should not have given this by the Zija distributor. When I contacted the Zija organization to advise them of this issue, I got no help or response. Clearly Zija has training issues with Distributors but also within the Zija headquarters organization regarding handling consumer matters. After my failed attempts to have Zija address the issue, I filed my complaints and authored this blog. Elza I hope that answers your questions. Best regards, Donn D

  39. Hi Donn

    Thank you very much for your response. It was unfortunate that you were introduced to zija products by an irresponsible distributor, who clearly did not learn his products before offering them to the public. There is caffeine in zija's XM+ drink mix, and therefore you should have not been introduced to it due to your condition. However, back to your other email regarding caffeine in smart mix and supermix, I have to say that this statement is incorrect. I too, am sensitive to caffeine due to my thyroid condition, and I consume smartmix or supermix daily with no issues. I hope this can provide some clarification for you, as well as your readers.

    Thanks Donn!

  40. I also agree with your comment regarding training of distributors. Under company's policy and procedures, we are supposed to be responsible for our actions in representing the products. Unfortunately, this is not regulated so it depends solely on the distributor's work ethic. I highly recommend a proactive approach when introduced to zija products. This involves asking many questions as well as reading the list of ingredients yourselves instead of relying on your distributor's words.

    It was also unfortunate that you didn't have any support from zija's customer service. With your permission, I would like to help you deal with this matter by contacting them personally. Let me know what I can do to help.

    Thanks again,

    1. Elza it appears by your comments that you may be a Zija distributor or part of the Zija organization, is that the case? If so, feel free to identify yourself as such on this blog. I would not simply reduce this matter to one irresponsible distributor as your post suggests, rather it is the irresponsibility of the entire Zija organization. The Zija organization headquarters failed to address this matter when informed directly by me and has thus failed the entire organization. Training of distributors and monitoring of distributors is vital to an organization that uses this form of marketing of their products. Zija failed miserably in this regard. While I do take some responsibility for trusting a so called "certified Zija distributor" I did ask questions and advised the distributor of my condition. Not sure what else you are suggesting I could have done. I was either lied to or misinformed by a Zija distributor and the Zija organization did nothing when informed of this activity. If you happen to be a Zija employee and believe you can help feel free to help your company work on basic customer service and distributor training and monitoring. However, I personally do not want any part of this company. Thank you for your comments.

    2. Elza thanks again for your offer to help. But I really doubt your ability to obtain compensation for my medical and other expenses associated with this matter. Only a responsible organization would respond in this manner. Best wishes to you with Zija however my mantra remains....WITH ZIJA BUYER BEWARE !!!!

  41. Hi Donn

    Yes, I am a Zija distributor and I did disclose myself as one on my first comment on this blog, may 31,2014. I thought you were aware of my position, and my apologies if this was not the the case.

    I hope you can make peace with this matter someday, and am glad you can find support from others through this blog.

    Thank you,

    1. Elza I did indeed miss your "joined Zija" disclosure on the May 31, 2014 thread when you were communicating with another person and not with me personally. Thank you for for being a responsible and thoughtful participant. You are perhaps my only positive Zija interaction, albeit we have opposing views. This blog was initially formed out of my own frustrations with the entire Zija organization. What started off as a terrible experience with an inexperienced Distributor (causing my health problems) and discovering that the Zija organization headquarters has no regard for handling customer/consumer problems, has now moved to greater issues with Zija as evidenced by some of the participants of this blog. Not looking for peace, only the truth. Wishing you the best. Donn D

  42. Full Disclaimer I am a Zija distributor but I believe in thought and logical reasoning.
    Question: Is penicillin a scam because some people are allergic to it when it has single handedly saved billions?
    Moringa Oliefera is one of the best superfoods on the planet.
    If we think we wish to draw conclusions wouldnt it be wise to make the right inferences? Afterall that is what the scientific model is based on.
    Because one has a rather harsh reaction, does that mean that the product is useless? Did you read the label?
    Some people have very bizarre reactions to antibiotics which happens to be a result of the toxin breakdown (I have had hallucinations from a powerful antibriotic before). Do you call your doctor a quack for making the recommendation albeit one far more dangerous than a botanical like Moringa?
    People have used Moringa for centuries, why then is the west fighting health while clinging to their big macs and slushies?
    For those who had a negative result did you investigate why? Maybe it is telling something about your body?
    Do you realize that some people are allergic to water?
    If Zija and Moringa was a scam how then are they able to distribute it in countries that grow the plant itself? Wouldnt that mean that it is actually more efficacious and worth buying? Do you trust store bought cheap moringa products processed in a sweat shop in india or china over one made and standardized to US oral pharmacopea standards that uses all the parts of the plant not found in ANY other moringa product? Have you tasted moringa in its natural form? Do you know that the plant varies in nutrient contents depending on where it is grown? Since Zija has been distributing Moringa since 2006 wouldnt you think there would be thousands of complaints if it was as bad as some make it to be? Would it make sense that there are more people using the product than those selling it if it wasnt a great product? Why is the company growing and why did it grow by 900% in 2013? If one uses a medication and continues to do so for 2 yrs and then develops another condition, does that mean that the new condition must have been caused by the medication they have been on for a while already? Would this plant have been named Plant of the year in 2008 by the scientific community if it wasnt indeed a miracle tree which is what it is known by in many cultures? Have you ran into a fillipino or Native Hawaiian or Indian or Nigerian and asked them about Moringa considering that some of those people have consumed it their whole life and are healthier than the average american by a long shot? If a Natural product produces 85 percent results would you chose a synthetic one with a 50% possibility of success and known side effects on the bottle?
    Whatever happened to logic and reason. Yes it may not have worked for you but I got into the business as a perfectly healthy man because it changed the lives of the people I love and I have had no greater satisfaction seeing firsthand everyday what nutrition can do in the most amazing ways. It is not Zija we are arguing about. You are making the case against the best nutrient source that we know of that God has made in the form of a plant.

    Sorry you got the results you did but maybe we all need to ask more questions than cast blame in this great country.

    For those of you who havent tried it yet. Read the labels and try the supermix first (stimulant free) and welcome to proper nutrition. Most Docs are only pawns in the distribution chain of huge pharma.

    Goodluck deciding for pure nutrition that could change your life and that of those you love or synthetic drugs.

    1. I agree. I am allergic to penicillin, mepergan and bactrum. I am not suing those companies. People are allergic to dairy, gluten and wheat, also. I think you just have to decide what is best for yourself and your health.

  43. Here is also the link to the national institutes of health research database.

  44. Thank you for your original blog...this has been a helpful review for me

  45. I have not used this product yet, I am in the process of researching it. During my research and after reading this blog, I had a déjà vu moment, “Herbal Life”. Herbal Life made almost identical claims, multiple Doctors indorsing it, research labs writing papers on it. Exact same market strategy, bottom line, making money. What I find most interesting is the Zija testimonies say they no longer take medications for high blood pressure, diabetes, and multiple other things, which implies they have been cured of these ailments. If you claim Zija cured you, then why are you still taking the product? If you say it cured your diabetes, then you should be able to eat what you want without taking any medicines or the Zija product. If you stop taking the product does all your systems and ailments come back? Most likely they will. If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. People get angry because they are making too much money and feel threatened by negative bogs which could cause them to lost potential clients.
    If the product is as good as they say it is, than the product should speak for itself, no defense necessary.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Hi Bob - I share you sentiments exactly. A few (not all) of the Zija Distributors that have chosen to write on this blog have been very rude, unprofessional, aggressive, and quite misinformed as it relates to dealing with serious health matters. If they are so confident in their product, to your point, it should speak for itself. You have corerctly noted that some of the comments made by Zija Distributors on this blog are motivated by fear of a loss of money. Let the public be informed, Thanks for you comments. Donn D


  47. ROBERT Jan 10 2015

    I was given free samples of pills & juices all ZIJA products mine to test if they worked as presented, I would join the sales team.
    THESE THINGS ARE DANGEROUS TO ANYONE WITH A PROSTATE PROBLEM !!! I WAS NEVER WARNED !!! But day 2 had trouble peeing this happen sometimes with my problem so no immediate concern, day 4 still hard to pee. BLOOD IN MY URIN ( this has never happened before or since ) PANIC SET IN !!! I IMMEADATLY QUIT TAKING ZIJA !!! & GO TO DOCTOR.
    After 3 day blood in urine stopped & it became a little less difficult to go.
    Day 6 almost back to normal.
    A few weeks later the distributer (a good friend whom I trusted before this) tells me people with prostate should not take ZIJA products, "WELL DAA" !!!
    My point is the company knows it but doesn't tell their distributers or customers about this potentially extremely very dangerous results !!!

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Has anyone ever been able to actually get to the bottom of what the proprietary blend base is? I have MANY severe food intolerances and allergies, and just because its "safe for everyone" or they " have never had anyone have allergic reaction to it doesn't mean it won't happen.
    I appreciate the blog and feel sorry for the one who started it as well as others that have had adverse reactions. I've been reversing chronic illnesses the last few years and have found that there are staged of returning to health. That said if you do experience headaches and bloating this is NORMAL. Headaches at the beginning can be too many toxins being released Into your system at once and although great to be moving these unwanted toxins, that's usually a sign that it's haopeninf too fast if they last longer than a few days to a week. Also, bloating happens when the good bacteria is introduced into your gut. There's a period of time where it takes awhile to balance out the good and bad bacteria causing bloat... Im not here to say what you experienced didn't happen or that zija is awesome. I just wanted to give a product th benefit of the doubt for those concerns above.
    As for why I initially posted, I have been working with one of the top people in the company from my home town and am still not getting the answer I hoped for. "What is the food base of the proprietary blend".
    I called him, the home office, then was sent to the "scientist's email" where I received a blanket answer for my questions, then actually info from my contact here by way of an audio he sent me of a conversarion with another man high up in the science field at Zija.
    I've yet to have that specific question answered.
    I sell a certified organic product and I know I have access to every ingredient in the prosixf at any time... Why isn't it that easy with this product??!!

  50. Nice post, I bookmark your blog because I found very good information on your blog, Thanks for sharing. More information just click here Zija Products

  51. I would love to see this guys body photo. Or the people that had issues with Moringa. I'm sure eating greens will detox them as well. Zija Moringa works. It's sad people spend more time complaining than just changing their diet. Not one person complaining mentioned a positive change or solution to their problem. Like I then tried ________for my issue and it helped. Victim people will always complain of something. Next!!!

  52. A friend was hospitalized for the second time this year. She started ZIJA in September 2014. I emailed ZIJA and the rep. No answer for a full week. I started a Facebook Page: Zija Warning Label.

  53. I love zija it's helped me lose weight mostly stomach fat worked wonders for me but as with all products they don't work for everyone

  54. I found this web site on Google. The the description stated that someone had a severe reaction after drinking the products 10 minutes later I cannot find the posting this blog it states it was on April 6, 2011. Can anyone help me?

  55. Korbin Payer I am the author of this blog. What is your question? Donn D

  56. I am looking for information on adverse effects of the products in your blog. When I googled Zija and hives I found: ZIJA Health Risk Alert - ZIJA Health Risks Alert - Blogger › 2011/04
    Apr 6, 2011 - ZIJA Health Risk Alert - Adverse Reaction .... Broke out in hives all over 10 minutes after drinking it.

    I am looking for this post to read further and can not find it.

    1. Will review all posts for you and forward if I find it. Some contributors will post a comment and later delete it. I have not deleted any comments from the blog to date. Hope you find a healthy solution to you issue. The best, Donn D

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. I agree. I have decided that this zija product is making me very ill. I have not felt like doing anything the past several days, and I was trying to come off nicotine. The distributor that sold it to me kept saying your detoxing. I have been very sick, sort of forcing myself to eat, etc. I have gadtroparesis and no colon, and just want to lie down. I think the increase in fluids is causing water retention, too. I have better luck with digestive enzymes, probiotics. I'm tired of this. While I do believe in morniga, I think ill look for just a plain natural kind.

  60. I have read through all the comments from start of this blog and to the end. My one issue is that, it is "BUYER BEWARE" with any product. Whether is comes on a shelf at your local store or buy a direct source, or is it comes from behind a counter, and you need a signed piece of paper to possess it. I have had doctors overdose me on meds, misdiagnosis me, have me in the brink of serious, life threatening health issues, due to arrogance and just not listening.

    I do want to post that, I am a zija distributor and one thing I see with it is that a lot of people just jump into trying all the products. I maybe a distributor but I am, no means a sales person. I would never want to mess with or make inappropriate cure claims, when it comes to someone's health, in the name of a few bucks. If i have someone wanting to try it, I would always start them off with the smartmix or supermix(which I would supply them with a weeks sample(at my own cost)beyond that they should be past most detox symptoms). After a few months then maybe try the other products. I believe in nutritional properties of zija, but I also believe that no persons body's and health are the same. It is definitely not for everyone. But with simple things like flu like symptoms, bloating and headaches etc... These are basic detox and it is temporary. You need to push past it to see any benefits. I know, I went through all these symptoms for a week.

    I think there is an important lesson to this post. Always read the label. No matter of what someone tells you(whether it is friend, family, stranger, Doctor, pharmacist etc...). Take time to research before ingesting anything.

    1. I couldn't agree more!
      I'm also a distributor but like you said, not a salesman. I SHARE Zija with people because I want then to experience the health benefits!
      You were also spot on when you said it's not for everyone. Again, taking from what you said; everyone is different!
      There is no blanket statement that works for every single person...but it's that way with everything in life. There are plenty of people that are allergic to great things. That doesn't make those things any less great.
      If you have an adverse reaction, you're faced with a choice. Believe in the natural abilities or not. (Allergies being another issue. Sorry to those who truly just can't take it.)

  61. I took this product for 6 weeks, I was healthy and very active before this product. The first week I started feeling bad, my distributor said you're detoxing, I thought ok. Each week I felt worse, stopped exercising, no energy, taking naps as soon as I got home from work, something I never did. At 6 weeks, I said enough, my joints were hurting, for two yrs now I am fighting Rheumatoid arthritis, weight gain and low energy. This product is not great for everyone, my daughter also took this with me, she has had weight gain and can't lose it.

    1. Xena it appears all of the Zija distributors have been trained to give a canned response "your body is detoxing" to people who experience adverse affects to their products. This is very dangerous and I suspect has caused harm to scores of innocent people. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Donn D (Blog author)

    2. I can only speak for myself when I say this:
      I'm not a doctor, so it's not my job to tell you what's wrong. However, what I can do is tell you some possibilities for an adverse reaction based on my own experience and research. It is up to you what you do with that shared knowledge.

      The most frequent explanations (and so far have been 100% right) are: h. Pylori, allergic reactions, and detoxing.

      Just because it is regularly said, doesn't mean it's wrong. Most people who become I'll due to a rough detox (which anyone who knows anything about any kind of detox knows it's not pleasant) have then taken the Premium Tea (a tea that cleanses toxins out of your body so you are better able to absorb the nutrients) and felt better soon after. It's a bump in the road tattoo have to decide if you want to get over. Some people are gun shy by the reaction and rather not, whereas some people take the advise and feel better than ever once that hill is crossed.
      As with any detox, it takes time. The extreme nature of the detox will directly depend on the severity of toxins in your body. This is not meant to shame anyone, we all have toxins in our body. We eat, drink, breath toxins in on a regular basis.

      I think the real problem here is distributors not handling these situations appropriately.
      I can understand how people who are living with incredible results will feel defensive. There lies the problem. They can't imagine that someone would have any reaction other than the wonderful reaction they have. Everyones body is different and genetically disposed to certain allergies and possible reactions. This however is not a reason to generalize and say a company is dangerous.

      I hope this offers a different perspective through a less aggressive transaction.

  62. How is the super mix for you now? Do you still have celiac disease?

  63. Various adverse effects may occur from consuming moringa bark, roots or flowers and their extracts, as these components contain chemicals that appear to be toxic when eaten. Moringa leaves have been used safely in doses up to 6 grams daily for up to 3 weeks.[36][40]

  64. Some of the calcium in moringa leaves is bound as crystals of calcium oxalate[25] though at levels 1/25th to 1/45th of that found in spinach, which is a negligible amount............Calcium oxalate (in archaic terminology, oxalate of lime) is a calcium salt of oxalic acid with the chemical formula CaC2O4. It is a chemical compound that forms envelope-shaped crystals, known in plants as raphides. A major constituent of human kidney stones, calcium oxalate is also found in beerstone, a scale that forms on containers used in breweries.


    1 Occurrence
    2 Medical significance
    2.1 Morphology and diagnosis
    2.2 Kidney stones
    2.3 Effects of ingestion
    3 Industrial applications
    4 References
    5 See also


    Calcium oxalate is a poisonous substance that can produce sores and numbing on ingestion and may even be fatal. Many plants accumulate calcium oxalate as it has been reported in more than 1000 different genera of plants.[1] The calcium oxalate accumulation is linked to the detoxification of calcium (Ca2+) in the plant.[2]

    The poisonous plant dumb cane (Dieffenbachia) contains the substance and on ingestion can prevent speech and be suffocating. It is also found in rhubarb (in large quantities in the leaves) and in species of Oxalis, Araceae, taro, kiwifruit, tea leaves, agaves, Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia), and Alocasia and in spinach in varying amounts. Plants of the Philodendron genus contain enough calcium oxalate that consumption of parts of the plant can result in uncomfortable symptoms. Insoluble calcium oxalate crystals are found in plant stems, roots, and leaves and produced in idioblasts.

    Calcium oxalate, as 'beerstone', is a brownish precipitate that tends to accumulate within vats, barrels and other containers used in the brewing of beer. If not completely removed in a cleaning process, beerstone will leave an unsanitary surface that can harbour microorganisms.[3] Beerstone is composed of calcium and magnesium salts and various organic compounds left over from the brewing process; it promotes the growth of unwanted microorganisms that can adversely affect or even ruin the flavour of a batch of beer.

    Calcium oxalate crystals in the urine are the most common constituent of human kidney stones, and calcium oxalate crystal formation is also one of the toxic effects of ethylene glycol poisoning.

    Hydrated forms of the compound occur naturally as three mineral species: whewellite (monohydrate, known from some coal beds), weddellite (dihydrate) and a very rare trihydrate called caoxite.
    Medical significance

  65. Took the XM+ at 9:30 this morning. Within 10 minutes I was burping uncontollably. After 30 minutes I started violent vomiting and diahrrea. This went on for about 6 hours. I finally have a reprieve. This feels like food poisoning. I must be allergic to something in this formula. I will try the SmartMix in a few days and see how I do on that and see if anybody else in the house gets sick. We all had a virus a week and a half ago, so I don'the think it is that. I'll update later.

  66. Took the XM+ at 9:30 this morning. Within 10 minutes I was burping uncontollably. After 30 minutes I started violent vomiting and diahrrea. This went on for about 6 hours. I finally have a reprieve. This feels like food poisoning. I must be allergic to something in this formula. I will try the SmartMix in a few days and see how I do on that and see if anybody else in the house gets sick. We all had a virus a week and a half ago, so I don'the think it is that. I'll update later.

  67. wow! I'm sorry about all the bad reactions and health issues people are having with this product, but I am even more appalled at the sales/bully tactics and the advise to "grab a brain".
    The hostility is uncalled for in responses such as:
    deena sloanNovember 18, 2012 at 7:21 PM
    Your so full of bologna.
    Nutrition does not make you sick!
    This is the most ridiculous thing that I have ever heard.
    It's a whole food you idiot, just like spinach or kale
    Get a grip.
    My husband's body was able to cure itself from MDS after taking 4 a day for 32 days. He is no longer a diabetic and is of 8 more of his meds.
    Get a life and go complain about something else because you sound stupid!"
    I was researching the product out of interest, but now I got my answer.

    1. If you were considering Zija, please read my comment below.
      Please don't let some negative words block you from something that could potentially change your life. That seems dramatic but if you are interested for different health ailments then I'm being 100% sincere!
      And even if you're very healthy; like my husband, daughter, and myself, there is no harm in being proactive. (I always say it's better to be proactive rather than reactive. Especially in regards to your health!) We've been taking SuperMix (along with other Zija products) for over a year now and we have literally not been sick once! I will never stop taking Zija. The nutrition it gives me and my family is worth every penny! #naturalhealthrevolution

  68. I believe a distributor should always acknowledge any discomfort someone is having. I would never tell someone they were lying about their reactions. However, like several people have said; different people are allergic to different things. There is Mango in some of the products, someone could be allergic to mango. Many many people have a "sleeping giant" in their body called H. Pylori. This can go untreated due to the lack of symptoms and later cause grave damage to your body. Moringa reacts with H. Pylori and causes the person to become very ill!
    Your doctor will only check for H. Pylori if you request it (and they will probably think you're crazy when you do because other than having test run, Moringa is the only thing that will catch it...that's pretty miraculous on its own). There are a plethora of allergies and reaction across the board: natural or otherwise, but I can say with confidence Zija is not "dangerous". It is not some kind of concoction created in a lab. There aren't any sythetics in any of Zija's products. The prescriptions people take daily with the craziest side effects are what is truly dangerous. People have become so blinded by the food industry and unfortunately even the medical field. I am not knocking modern medicine, there are wonderful things that help people and improve quality of life. But there are so few naturalist/wholistic doctors. They do not study natural cures, they only know what they know and that is synthetic medicine. If you are lucky, you have a doctor who is open minded to a wholistic approach to health and will encourage Zija. However, many doctors are more concerned with the bottom line and the money they make in prescribing 3 prescriptions at a time.
    And as far as eating "real" food...good luck!
    Unless you are buying 100% organic then you really aren't eating good healthy food...and let's be honest here, organic is soooo expensive!!!
    Even the fruits and vegetables that you think are good for your body are being contaminated with GMOs, hormones, pesticides, and more!
    SuperMix (the product with the most Moringa) for example fills in all the gaps that our food is so greatly lacking (nutritionally speaking...the calories are there in abundance).
    The people I know who take Zija aren't in it for a short cut to weight loss, they're in it for the wonderful health benefits they gain by taking it.
    I challenge anyone to read scientific articles about Moringa and even scientific studies on Zija and tell me this product is dangerous.
    Zija is 100% all natural/plant based/no sythetics. That is hard to beat in the health and wellness industry.
    Zija is made with plants, a whole food if you will. Can you be allergic to plants...of course!!!!

  69. Alyssa I agree with you. So many of my friends have been on the SuperMix as well as myself and I've seen so many benefits after being on it for not even a year. Thank you for your comments.

    1. That's wonderful to hear!
      Keep strong in the #naturalhealthrevolution 🌿

  70. I started Zija in 2009. I early 2010, I suffered a major stroke and permanently lost most of the feeling in the entire left side of my body. Doctors studied me for months and ruled EVERYTHING out EXCEPT Zija. I handed over my remaining supply and weeks later I was told the main ingredient is used to clean industrial waste containers and that I should NEVER ingest any ever again.

    1. RG - thanks for sharing your story. Glad that you sought professional medical help to identify the problem and happier that your health has improved. If the findings of your Doctor about ZIJA are correct, this should be a wake up call for the public health officials. The best always. Donn D (Blog Author)

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  72. I was a distributor way back in 2010 ish, it was a long time ago regardless, and my husband and I loved the products but the business was not growing for us so we just became product users. We haven't use the products for a while now do to lack finances.
    I did get to see Dr Russ Bianchi speak while in the business and he is ultra smart, which he claims is partly due to an drowning accident that changed something in his brain where he could read fast and retain information and graduated at 14 yrs old, this I couldn't find a record of, regardless he is very smart. Also he is a health advocate and trying to create better things to consume in the world and educate people.
    He is only the formulator of Zija products and does not work at Zija. Now from what I hear he is no longer associated with Zija and the two rumers are: 1) someone changed his formula so he left. 2) the CEO replaced him because his credentials could not be proved. I could not prove or disprove either but Dr Joshua Plant is now the director of research and development at Zija and I don't know if this means the formulas have been changed.
    Regardless of all this no one can patent a plant and in order to do that they have to create a formula using the plants properties and there we have Zija, which doesn't make it bad but it's still not nature.
    I personally have no issues with the products but feel the natural source will give the best results so I get natural moringa oleifera leaf extract at (they even claim detoxing will occur), even better yet I would like to grow this amazing super food myself.
    Do what is best for you... buy the products or grow the plant.
    Here is to living healthy!

  73. Really great very nice blog post and it's to good for helping people get the information about healthcare Best hydration drink packets great work!!!

  74. Works for me...I body test myself before injesting ANYTHING!!

  75. I don't know anything about what's in this proprietary ZIJA SuperMix, I just know I have a friend who is a rep who has swore by the stuff. Her husband also swears by it. I don't need to lose weight, but I love the idea of superfoods and having more energy. I'd never heard of it on the west coast, but I decided to give it a try and had only high hopes -- I certainly didn't start with any skepticism. I was advised to use 1/2 a pack for the first couple of days and then graduate to a full pack each morning. After 3 days in, I noticed horrible headaches in the afternoon. I didn't associate it at all to ZIJA, I was just thinking I was coming down with something. Advil was only helping slightly and by day 7, I was down with insufferable headaches and body aches as well. I thought it was a bug of some kind but it never developed into anything more. That's when I thought, well...the only thing I've done lately is this SuperMix. I stopped taking it for 4 or 5 days and felt great again and decided to start up again on the ZIJA and see if there was a direct correlation. THERE WAS! 1st day back on, by like 1pm, the headache was back and so was the hyper-stimulated feeling. I don't like this feeling at all. I also never drink coffee or tea so maybe my stimulants tolerance is pretty low. All I know, is I'm done with this product. Nothing that good for you should make you feel that lousy.

  76. Although I don't have time to read all the comments, my favorite is Jeannine's: ". . . everyone is better off actually EATING FOOD." LOL Sorry, Jeannine, IT IS FOOD!!!

    I'm sorry that so many of you have doctors who aren't familiar with the cancer-causing effects of h.pylori and the life-saving ability of moringa to detect it. (Hmmm . . . or maybe they are familiar with it but make more money by not helping someone eradicate it???) Johns Hopkins University ~~ "Moringa is one of the few natural sources that can detect h.pylori, by causing almost immediate and sometimes projectile vomiting."

    1. You know that you can buy Moringa in the health food store like other supplements Right?



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  78. I tried this friday. I am having th same issue's. Like virtigo, headaches, 💩 a lot... Now tonight i feel like im going to puke and have slight chills. I am freaking out. Typed in reviews and saw this. It cant be anything else but the zija... I have not taken anything else. Should I go to the er? Will it just pass in a few days?

    1. I'm having vertigo as well, and you are probably sensitive to the ingredients in the product. Stop taking it. I tried it, got sick, waited a few weeks, tried it again, got sick again. I am sensitive to Nutrasweet (aspartame), MSG, and apparently this product. Looked up the ingredients, probably best to stay away, at least for me.

  79. When I stopped taking it my symptoms went away. My friend that sold me the zija convinced me to keep taking it with promises of "it will get better". It only got worse until I stopped, I took the zija for nearly a year. Don't make my mistake. Stop taking it now, if your symptoms don't clear up by tomorrow go and see your doctor to be safe.

  80. I'm not a doctor but when I've seen people have reactions to the super mix I told him just take half and dilute it well. Your body reacts the same way when you stop eating processed foods and breads and start eating healthy your body reacts similar. Always go and see your doctor.

  81. The problem isn't nessisarily with the product in my opinion. The problem is that the Zija reprentatives are trained to tell you to keep taking it no matter your reaction. They are even told to tell you that your adverse reaction is normal for people detoxing. The fact is that if you are having a bad reaction you should seek advice from a medical professional not someone that sells products they are not adequately trained about.

  82. Yeah what she said LOL

    PS I like you!

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  84. How about all you people go argue with ZIJA’s Team of BIOMEDICAL SCIENTISTS and see where that gets you all. Your all a bunch of liars that probably can’t even handle a bug bite when you get one or the flu you probably lay in bed crying for somebody to take care of you. These people just can’t handle the detox process but love eating McDonald’s every chance you get lol. These doctors will go out of business if they tell you otherwise and it’s people like you guys who will end up with cancer or some other disease. So complain all you want because the people that don’t will probably out live all of you.

    1. I take ZIJA AND my kids take SuperMix and they’ve NEVER complained once about any side effects. KIDS TAKE IT lol

  85. The fact that this blogger removes people’s comments should be enough to show people this is a fake blog with made up people

  86. Everyone is different. I'm sure if your kids did have a bad reaction you wouldn't tell them to keep taking it without taking them to a doctor to get checked out. I'm sure Zija products work fine for some people. The problem is that the people that have bad reactions are told to keep taking it. That those bad reactions are normal and will go away. Fact is a Zija rep doesn't have the training,skills or knowledge to say that. Unless they have in fact gone to medical school and have examined you and know your health history. I'm glad you and your children are fine. I post on here because I wasn't fine and made the mistake of continuing to take the super mix and other products disbite bad reactions as the rep kept telling me it would get better. A year later and I nothing improved. I'm sorry your post was deleted. I didn't see it. I have posted many comments on here and none of them have been removed. Perhaps what you wrote was offensive to the moderator? I really don't know. The only reason I post here is to hopefully help someone who doesn't know what to do if they find themselves getting sick from a product that's supposed to make them feel well. All I advocate for is a second opinion. I hope that people will be smarter than me and go to the doctor before they waste thousands of dollars on something that's not helping them.

    1. A - thank you for your considerate comments regarding the purpose and intent of this blog. It is abundantly clear by your comments that you get it. This forum has been open to everyone since 2011 to comment on their experiences with Zija (pro & con) but we have asked them to do so in a respectful manner. For the record, as the creator of the blog, I have never deleted any comments. Rather, it is the "author of the individual post" (as it states in the blog LOL) who deletes their comments by their own choice. Wishing you the best in all that you do. Donn D (Blog Creator)

  87. I tried this product and can anyone tell me why it made it hard for me to get an erection, on a regular day there is no issue until I tried this. It went away but why did this happen?

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  91. Am jeremiah, I am testifying about a great hebal man that cured my wife of hepatitis B and liver cirhosis. his name is Dr oniha. My wife was diagnose of hepatities two years ago, i almost spent all i had then, until i saw dr oniha recommendation online, and i call him, then he told me how to get the herb. You can call him on +2347089275769 or email him at

  92. After taking Zija Smart Mix for two months, i’ve Found my eyes are extremely dry. Could this be a side effect?

  93. Dr Itua cure my HIV, I have been a ARV Consumption for 10 years. i have been in pains until i came across Dr Itua on blogs site.I emailed him about my details of my HIV and my location i explained every thing to him and he told me that there is nothing to be scared of that he will cured me, he gave me guarantee,He ask me to pay for items fees so when i'm cured I will show gratitude I did and giving testimony of his healing herbs is what I'm going to do for the rest of you out there having HIV and other disease can see the good work of Dr Itua.I received his herbal medicine through EMS Courier service who delivered to my post office within 5 working days.Dr Itua is an honest man and I appreciate him for his good work.My GrandMa called him to appreciate him and rest of my friends did too,Is a joy to me that I'm free of taking Pills and having that fat belle is a will understand what i'm talking about if you have same problem I was having then not now though.I'm free and healthy Big Thanks To Dr Itua Herbal Center.I have his calendar too that he recently sent me,He Cure all kind disease Like,Cancer,Herpes,Fibromyalgia,Hiv,Hepatitis B,Liver/Kidney Inflamatory,Epilepsy,Infertility,Fibroid,Diabetes,Dercum,Copd,Quick Ejaculation ,and also Bring back Ex Lover Back..Here his Contact Or Whats_app Number +2348149277967

  94. Dr Itua cure my HIV, I have been a ARV Consumption for 10 years. i have been in pains until i came across Dr Itua on blogs site.I emailed him about my details of my HIV and my location i explained every thing to him and he told me that there is nothing to be scared of that he will cured me, he gave me guarantee,He ask me to pay for items fees so when i'm cured I will show gratitude I did and giving testimony of his healing herbs is what I'm going to do for the rest of you out there having HIV and other disease can see the good work of Dr Itua.I received his herbal medicine through EMS Courier service who delivered to my post office within 5 working days.Dr Itua is an honest man and I appreciate him for his good work.My GrandMa called him to appreciate him and rest of my friends did too,Is a joy to me that I'm free of taking Pills and having that fat belle is a will understand what i'm talking about if you have same problem I was having then not now though.I'm free and healthy Big Thanks To Dr Itua Herbal Center.I have his calendar too that he recently sent me,He Cure all kind disease Like,Cancer,Herpes,Fibromyalgia,Hiv,Hepatitis B,Liver/Kidney Inflamatory,Epilepsy,Infertility,Fibroid,Diabetes,Dercum,Copd,Quick Ejaculation ,and also Bring back Ex Lover Back..Here his Contact Or Whats_app Number +2348149277967

  95. It was awful.. I was up all night pukin and poopin from one tea.

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  97. Am jeremiah, I am testifying about a great hebal man that cured my wife of hepatitis B and liver cirhosis. his name is Dr oniha. My wife was diagnose of hepatities two years ago, i almost spent all i had then, until i saw dr oniha recommendation online, and i call him, then he told me how to get the herb. You can call him on +2347089275769 or email him at

  98. Just want to chime in and say I am very sensitive to caffeine and I have been using the super mix for 2 years now and have had no problems so I've got to stay there can't be any caffeine in it because I would be the first one to know. I think because it's MLM people hate it more then if it was just something they bought it Vitamin Shoppe

  99. I am 72 years old and run about 15-20 miles a week and do a daily workout on a mini trampoline called a rebounder. I am also a very active singer and still do choir and solo singing on a weekly basis. I also do regular mowing and physical labor in the care of our home and acre of property.
    A few year ago I had a stress fracture in my right foot and could not run for six months. My brother, who was a Zija distributor, had given me a case of Smartmix to try several months before and I had put it in the utility room and not bothered to take it. I have, and had at that time a very healthy diet of fruits, vegetable, grains, nut, eggs and limited meats. If I could afford it those items were organic.
    But, my stress fracture was not improving. I could carry on most of my physical activity, but it I tried to run, I would have to stop within a few hundred yards because of the pain in my foot.
    The night I started taking Smartmix we had had a major snowstorm. I came down in the early morning to warm by the gas logs and thought about the Smartmix. I decided to take one and went back to bed. I got up about 8:00 and took another one. I went out and shoveled snow for the next 4-5 hours and knew I would probably not be able to walk the next day. Instead, I started feely a warmth growing in the fractured area. In two weeks I started running again and have been running and working normally ever since. It was obvious to me that the Smartmix had affected the inflamation in the foot and started a healing process.
    I have been taking Moringa Oleifera ever since that day several years ago. I bacame a Zija distributor for two or three years, but could not continue to afford the product on a regular basis and stopped my membership.
    But, I still take Moringa leaf powder in a small bottle of water with Organic apple cider vinegar and raw unfiltered honey in the morning when I get up and in the evening an hour before I go to bed. There are no medications of any kind that I take-not even Tylenol, Aleve, etc. I order a good quality Moringa from eBay at a fraction of the cost that I got it from Zija. But, I will always be thankful that I found Moringa through Zija. It may not be for everyone, but there is no denying that it and it alone started the healing in my stress fracture and is still, along with good eating and an active lifestyle a major ingredient in my continued good health. I am Gary-Sonya's husband of 49 years.
